Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lawerence King

I was just reading more about Larry King and how the trials for his murderer are proceeding...

If you don't know, Larry was a 15-year-old boy from Oxnard, California. He was openly gay. He asked Brandon McInerney to be his Valentine. The day before Valentines day, this year, Brandon came to school with a gun. He shot Larry in English class.


One: McInerney's representation has the audacity to plead NOT GUILTY. Because McInerney, a 14-year-old, is being charged as an adult. While legally, he cannot be charged a minor, they want a charge of manslaughter rather than first degree murder and hate crime. He knowingly killed another human being. At 14 years of age we aren't exempt from the moral codes of everyone else. Youth is not an excuse for ignorance or violence. McInerney's actions should earn him the consequence for first degree murder as a hate crime. Not manslaughter. 53-life won't bring Larry back, but it will speak volumes to McInerney and to those like him.

Two: Larry was a ward of the state. I haven't been able to find the details as to why. But he wasn't in the custody of his parents at the time of his death. He was living in a home for abuse, neglected, and troubled youth. Larry was gender-nonconforming. He wore make-up and high heels to school. His parents, who at the time of his death were not his legal guardians, are suing the school. They're suing the school because the school did not enforce the dress code. This, they claim, made Larry a target.

Being different makes us a target, eh?

It is horrifying that it isn't safe to be different. That people will kill us for being different. That people will sue a societal institution for not making us be the same.

And don't think by "us" I only mean LGBT. I mean each one of us who is does not fit nicely into the norm. I mean us. Those different of orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion or lack thereof, dress, social standing, and secular opinions.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Trevor Project

I added a banner link in the sidebar to the Trevor Project.

Established in 1998 to coincide with the HBO airing of the award winning short film, Trevor, hosted by Ellen DeGeneres, The Trevor Helpline is the only nationwide, around-the-clock crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth.

The Trevor Helpline is a free and confidential service that offers hope and someone to talk to, 24/7. The Trevor Helpline's trained counselors will listen and understand without judgment. If you or someone you know would like to talk to one of our highly trained counselors, dial 866-4-U-TREVOR.
Trevor Project's Official Website
The site also features a "Dear Trevor" page, where readers can post their questions and seek help, and "Trevorspace", a safe-space social network for LGBT youth and their allies.

LGBT youth are about 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight counterparts. I'm glad to see another safe place for people who hurt.

Oh, and here's a link to the GLBT National Help Center's Youth Hotline website: link

Stay safe.
Live out.
Live proud.
And be glad you failed. I am.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I have internet at my apartment, now, folks.

Friday, September 5, 2008

College Life

Oh the wonders of PSU Altoona.

Well, actually not. No one bothered to tell me that college was extremely boring. Extremely is an understatement. College is unfathomably, obscenely boring. Almost as boring as high school but lacking a great deal of the drama.

Oh. And I swear I'm the only gay chick here.

I went to a GSA meeting yesterday, and it was pretty neat. Max, the president is really cool. I'm thinking about trying for an officer position. But anyway, that's not the point. Apparently the vast majority of the membership here has migrated to main campus. So now, the GSA that sounded so cool on the website is like 6 people, including myself.

But I guess it's cool that it's still a pretty active group. The first activity for the year will be National Coming Out Day. Which is, by the way, October 11, but will be held on campus on the 9th. Apparently they're setting up a stage or whatever in the Student Center, and having some people perform and then leaving the stage free for people to tell their own coming out story. That's cool, I guess. I just kind of worry about someone getting outed by some asshole who thinks they're doing them a favour.

Ohhhh!! And I don't have internet. I won't until next Saturday. I don't know what to do with myself. Basically, I sleep and spend absurd amounts of time on the phone. And I clean my apartment. It's so not Cori. Cori uses the internet about 90 hours a day. That's right. 90 hours a day. Don't ask me how it's possible, but in my little world it is.

And have I mentioned how cold it is? I swear. Everywhere it is freezing in this place. Except outside, which is relatively nice if you ignore the fact it's virtually a city out there. People run the air conditioner constantly. I guess that should be expected in a computer lab, but I am like really cold.

Uhh. Well, that's all for now, folks. My life is pretty boring, and I really need to go outside and, to be entirely oxymoronic, chill where it's warm.

Oh. And sorry for the lack of links and pictures. I hate public computers and really don't want to fool with them much. But Google Interlude Magazine. It's an indie lesbian magazine. The first issue was just released and it's amazing.