Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Muse Overhall

I think it's about time for this blog to be overhalled. I mean, I started it last summer, and it hasn't really ever seen faithful updates. But that's because it never really had a subject. But it started to have steady LGBT themes. And here we are, Muses of the Mad is about the become one of the few Youth LGBT blogs on the internet.

I know it's not anything huge or new. But there are definitely not enough of us out there blogging. Most of the LGBT individuals that are blogging are 20 or 30 somethings. They're writing for AfterEllen, AfterElton, The Gay Blog, and The Advocate. I frankly enjoy their stories, but where among the slews of teenage and college bloggers is the LGBT community represented?

My name is Cori. I'm seventeen years old. I'm a lesbian. I read weekly updates from HRC, GLSEN, and several other organizations. I like to blog. And from now on, Muses of the Mad is a Youth LGBT blog.

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